Sunday, 22 December 2013

Sunday nugget 22nd December

Me: cleaning,  tidying,  food prep,  present making, wrapping and buying.  Reading "room",  emma donoghue.  Incredible story,  narrated in the voice of a boy born in captivity to his kidnapped mum,  and their great escape and difficult adjustment to the world afterwards. Dad and Sue to visit.  Lovely time,  made stuff,  then chatsworth visit. Initiated very ill prepared trip to nine ladies for solstice.

Evan : beginning to try to help autumn do helpful stuff.  Lots of Christmas telly,  including the cbeebies christmas panto we went to see at the crucible last month.

Autumn : still not tidying,  avoiding by stealth. At Chatsworth,  showed everyone in the restaurant her painting.

Pat: last week at work before holidays. Work night out. Sleeping lots.

Monday, 16 December 2013

Sunday nugget 15th December

This week saw the Home Ed Christmas party, which had loads of games, music and plenty of food.  The games were great, if a little tricky for my two little ones.

Evan: Full Christmas making flow... non stop to the point of obsessive - finds it difficult to sleep and eat as it was all he thinks about. 

Autumn: Excited about starting some new dancing.  With Evan, made a "Grand Opening" with the Grand bed and other Grand things.

Me: Reading and finishing Hunger Games trilogy

Pat: GOT THE JOB!!!!!

Both went roller skating for the first time along with their friend Caty.  Autumn particulalry enjoyed doing fancy tricks break dance stylee.

First Science club this week - exploring Hydraulics.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Sunday nugget 8th December

Me: supporting Pat with interview prep,  Zumba night out to bloo88, heart decorations making galore,  new Christmas Zumba tracks,  Hunger games reading -  ignoring facebook,  emails and housework

Pat: interview prep,  to Manchester with the children

Evan : crafting marathon,  making letters with autumn,  enjoying Highfields adventure playground,  struggling with others getting their way.

Autumn : dancing,  telly time,  enjoying time with Jasmin at Chatsworth.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Sunday nugget 1st December

Evan : making christmas decorations and presents all-the-time; first wrestle with Oscar; making rivers;

Autumn : wiggling,  dancing,  chatting non-stop ;

Me: taking on new Zumba classes; making heart decorations for the tree; more book reading; nails done for Xmas party by Donna,  amazing inspiring woman.

Pat: continues illness,  achieves job interview.