We have just had a great two days with the addition of my dad to our little home ed team. We did usual things with our days, so lots of fun was had, if a little ramped up on the moan status.
On Thursday we went to mini works, on the kids request, but having been there three times already this week, we're not in the most enthusiastic of spirits. This was followed with a trip to get autumn some new shoes, where she chose a pair of comfy closed toe shoes, and a pair of hi-tops, which are now her Zumba shoes! I want a pair, they look so good. We popped into pets at home and discovered that tanks were on sale the following day, and our plan to get fish would start then.
Then a magical visit to Honey pie tearooms for a spot of lunch. It was totally delicious, and great feel. Everyone loved it, despite the arguments about a toy squirrel (nutkin). Beth my dad and I wrote reviews for trip advisor to give thanks.
We went to Weston Park museum in the afternoon. The highlight was the craft room, where we made some additions to their rainforest scene, and were given bags full of craft supplies. Here they are exploring colour using a fab idea, frames on a white surface with melted bottle tops - We are soooo going to collect and melt our own for some fun craft activities.

The evening followed with bath, and then chatting with my dad. It was so great to spend time together. We battled with computer apps for the tail end of the evening, password became a comical word.
The next day we had a slow get ready, whilst inventing lifting machines out of k'nex I made some biscuits and prepped our picnic lunch, as we went to forest friday.
Lucy and Lesley were there with their little broods. I brought the stick book and chose a fun activity of weaving flora and fauna into a stick loom. Then me and Lesley made and wove stick looms whilst the kids ran about or hung out in lucy's voluminous parachute hammock. Ha ha! We took a statutory stroll to the stream to finish our time there. There were no late comers and as we had young ones in need of naps we were done by about 1. Whilst at the stream much fun was had, and autumn followed Annie's idea of washing clothes in the stream, thankfully I had brought spare clothing.

We spent the afternoon in the Botanical gardens, which was great. Autumn climbed up ridiculously high in the yew tree, but her second go led to a very skilful and speedy descent. Evan enjoyed the clues and riddles, which we have planned on fully documenting.

Thank you so much to my dad for taking advantage of his unexpected gap in his schedule and joining us. We loved having him.
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