Sunday 11 August 2013

Mid august and this is what is going on

Pat is sort of on holiday but is actually running summer school for y6/y7 s as they transition into the school.  Literacy week over,  games and outings next week.  Much more fun!  Though he did manage a trip to the national space place in Leicester,  which he has recommended to us.

Evan lost his tooth on my birthday after a week of wiggles...  Feeling that it might be a bit of a special moment.  Currently he has begun a tiger project. Inspired by Tom's lapbook on whales.  We have lots of great books from the library,  and making ideas.  He managed to earn enough money for the gup-x last week,  so both these things are pretty central to his life right now.

Autumn was really angry last night that Momo came and went home in 24 hours  (she was retrieving her car)  autumn continues to be strongly emotional about everything,  and love knee sits,  and exploring her strength whilst there (back bends among others) Storying and fully embodying the characters and story is one of the core features of where  she is a a presently.  It is fascinating to watch her.  We love her adult type phrases which add he is full of presently,  especially when slightly out of context.

I have been working on the magic,  inspired by Rhonda Byrne.  It is all about feeling gratitude for everything from the water we drink,  to the money /things we were given as children and finding things to be grateful for even in the most challenging of circumstances.  It is putting a lot of the things I've been working on with my self development together,  in a really meaningful and practical way.  It has seen me speak much more nicely to my husband,  find the joy in jobs which I previously saw as chores and negatively,  as well as feeling more powerful,  and sharing it with the kids too. I start each day with a list of 10 things I am grateful for,  and end the day on the best thing from that day while holding my magic rock.  I dill the say with the daily project too. All done alongside what I am doing anyway.  I am so grateful to Rhonda Byrne,  Chris Ojari,  who have inspired to go on this journey,  and my family,  without whom none of this would be happening.

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