Saturday 3 August 2013

Sorting out the garden

After returning from hesfes we got stuck into a load of tidying,  reorganising and cutting the hedge.  Now this isn't a hedge at the front of the house,  oh no...  This  is a full garden perimeter hedge which took two days to cut down and clear.  Quite a mammoth task,  and the kids helped a bit.  Yesterday we interspersed this with things like making willow withie - type stick from some of the branches,  and made a big  hotel,  inspired by the one we saw last week at the owl sanctuary.

Today saw a different slant as we had friends over,  and there was a lot of play,  inside and out.  Then after much of the hedge had been done,  the kids announced they had made a hedge den.  I wasn't sure what this was,  but when we looked,  we  saw the hedge den involved climbing through to next doors garden and that was the den! Hmm.  A* for inventiveness.  They were not impressed when we said they couldn't continue to pay in the den,  and insisted on having photos of them in there for prosperity.

Here are the stripped sections ready for weaving with

Our Bug Hotel

The hedge den

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