Wednesday 7 August 2013


We were lucky enough to be invited along to a Home Educators weekend at a Quaker Residence in North York Moors for May Bank Holiday this year.  It was completely bargainiferous, and as it was to be with other families from Sheffield who also Home Educate, I thought it would be a really nice relaxed bit of family time.  I was right.  We had a wonderful time.  There are loads of bedrooms and fun things to do.  We had gorgeous views and adventures.  One blissful morning was spent in the garden doing a spot of felting and face painting whilst the children played together and enjoyed every moment.  Despite none of the children really being firm friends, they got on brilliantly.  The number of children, and adults, seemed to be just right to support a productive and happy time.  It was neither overwhelming, or isolating, but allowed for solitude and social time.  A nice mix of young children, up to about 8 years meant that not one age group dominated.  There was play between some of the oldest and youngest children, in true home education fashion.  Artificial segregation by age was did not make an appearance (apart from after 9pm when we hoped most of the children were in bed!!!)

On Bank holiday monday we visited the local village and played in the cooling river on the extremely hot day.

Autumn warming up after a cooling dip.

Autumn and Oona deep in play.

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