Tuesday 6 August 2013


The Climbing Works is a local climbing wall which is pretty unique in that it is just a bouldering wall.  Earlier this year they opened up a brand new annexe which is aimed at kids, called "The Mini Works" It is brilliant fun, and as my husband is a keen climber, he has membership to here, so we simply added the kids on at a bargain price, so we can go any time we like.  It turns out we are there at least once a week, but often-times two or three times for a good few hours at a time. Evan is developing by the day, and enjoys his inverts a lot.  Next week he is going on his first lesson, it will be focused on learning how to problem solve and use a variety of holds... both of these are things we have talked about that he could do with work on.  The coordination, balance and confidence stuff comes pretty naturally to him.

Meanwhile, Autumn loves going too.  Here she is on the mini boulder working on her skills.  She has now developed such confidence and fluidity of movement on the wall it is a joy to see.  She still gets into difficulties when she thinks something isn't working so well, but she isn't put off trying again.

This was the first time we have shared the experience with Oscar, however the Gup-X took over in their priorities!

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