Monday 12 August 2013

Boggart trail and home fun

We had a wonderful morning in Longshaw estate with lovely friends,  new and old.  In Boggart hole we can across loads of ants,  do we followed them along their ant motorway to find their nest.
Evan and autumn particularly enjoyed playing with,  and holding hands with the lovely Kris,  Caty and Freya.
Later Evan was developing his friendship with jasmine who he met at the forest Friday.
The wonderful mama's from today,  I'm getting to know more through the Facebook group,  home ed chatternatter.

We chatted about the possibility of having a group run out of the moorland discovery centre.  I do hope that happens.

The afternoon was spent climbing,  then playing at our house with Oscar and Safia.  Evan did his first climbing course,  focused on using difficult holds and route planning.  He enjoyed himself and felt he learned a lot from it,  which I'd wonderful.  He didn't listen to the coach very well,  but he seemed to be able to do some of what was asked of him. 

I am full of gratitude for this beautiful day.

At home,  pat and I looked after all the kids whilst Becky went to an appointment.  Surprisingly there wasn't too much mess,  and a lot of cooperation.  The girls played train sets and bounced on the trampoline, whilst the boys made potions,  and developed some interesting.  For a while they played all together at pirates.  They stayed till half past eight!

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