Sunday 6 October 2013

Sunday nugget 6th October

A normal sort of week:
Monday,  visit to Old Moor with friends,  Science.
Tuesday,  climbing works,  PE
Wednesday,  Dance class,  PE
Thursday,  playgroup, gymnastics, friends to play,
Friday,  running errands.

Evan,  started dance classes,  and enjoyed them.  He bought his octonauts magazine. 

Autumn found a new character,  Time,  one of the chuggeneers.  Who helped her be able to use the mouse for the first time effectively.  She is so absorbed by the character at times it seems like she has a limp and has hurt her leg,  but is just being a bit wobbly and slow like the character.

I have struggled a little with choosing the best things to do in the day,  and feeling a bit helpless about some things out of my control.

Pat has been at work,  and enjoyed his weekend with us.

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