Tuesday 8 October 2013

Explorer bag day one

After the inspiration from a old Moor to have little explorer kits,  and the fact glass to we bought a pocket microscope,  I put together little bags for the kids to help them when we go out.  Contents currently include:
Science: pocket microscope, 
Mini petri 
Species identification sheets, (trees,  plants, birds) 
Flower press 
Collection bag
Nature book from rspb. 
Art: sketch pad 
Water colours 
Paint brushes, 
Crayons pencil 

I want to add a few things too,  string,  scissors,  long tweezers,  collapsible inspection tray, fungi identification chart ,  mini net, minitthermometer,  compass,  ruler,  plus a large net for in the car. I often carry things like these,  and a rope swing,  bag of clay,  unspun wool,  penknife .  This habit began with when I received the stick book from my mum,  which has been well used.  Thank you so much mum. 
Mycelium Wonders
Oh how we love the cascades 
The girls had a reareallygood sniff of these lovely flowers 

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