Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Woodland Snacks

We popped to the woods behind our home to cook an outdoor snack on our fire bowl. We took some dough to make some breadcakes. Also evan wanted to make a clay squirrel. So off we went. Took me a while to get the fire going, evan though we had brought some dry sticks with us, but it worked and I was very pleased, as we're th children. Yummy breadcakes, minus the burnt bits for the birds. Afterwards we made a bridge and mini home, and then evan stirred the fire bowl exploring the embers with great fascination.

Monday, 24 February 2014

National Coal Mining Museum

Its been a while since our last visit, but we went today with friends. It was loads of fun not least because of the wonderful nature trail, and an really thought provoking visit down the coal shaft, 140metres to travel the seam worked for many years by many brave men and families.

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Sunday nugget 23rd February

House: creation of new bathroom begins... Ordered, room excavated, tools in place. I wonder when how long we are going to have building happen in our home. I am sure the scent of brick dust will be in my nostrils for quite some time. My brother visited this week, which was just wonderful. Haven't seen him in ages. Kids loved it. We went to Higger Tor and a fabulous new buffet restaurant in town called cosmo. It was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Monday : at friends for a play, bit tricky due to a few issues with understanding boundaries and need for respect for property. Tuesday : highfields adventure playground. Kids had a wonderful time with friends, and made a house from scrap. Wednesday : dancing and chatsworth visit, open for half term, so pretty busy, but not unbearable, plus trailer ride a big hit /splash. And autumn held a tarantula and a bearded dragon. And of course there were Guinea pig cuddles, with Minnie and twinkle. Thursday : tidying then Gymnastics, where Evan almost did his first unaided reverse turn on the bars, and concentrated really well throughout, despite distractions. Then Drew came and we enjoyed a very blowy Higger Tor. Friday : we planned on going to ice skating, but when we arrived it looked super busy, so we decided against it, change of plan was Kelham island museum, but it was closed, so we went to millennium galleries instead. It was lovely listening to the sound map, and evan pointed out that even though we didn't get to go to Kelham island we kind of were through our ears, as the sounds were featured on it.

Cleaning Coins Experiment

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Sunday 16th February

: back to full force with work now the student union are back. Salsa workshop in Birmingham - death drop, awesome Evan : ear infection, acute on tuesday, faded throughout week, Autumn : needling at Evan due to frustration at him not playing Home: obtained planning permission, plans for bathroom begin.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Sunday nugget 2nd February

Me: lacking in sleep ; busy but calm week ; still not shouting; reading night circus ; looking after slightly unwell guinea pigs,  first bath

Evan : second week of guinea pig worksheets ; playing family games inc hungry hippos; speaking calmly and thoughtfully to autumn ; getting fed up in the car; realised needs more time working on core strength for gymnastics.

Autumn : last ever Bailey cox ballet class;