Tuesday 15 April 2014

Chatsworth we are so glad you are open again **pic heavy

Hooray, its open again!!! At the end of last month we took Pat on his first ever visit.  He loved the Guinea pigs.  We visited the grotto, but didn't have much time for other things, as the majority of time was spent digging rivers in the sand in the playground.

 Smelling the blossom

Loving trees

Evan's beautiful photograph of a daffodil - one shot wonder!!!

Wahey - first frogspawn spy of the year.

Using our portable microscope to explore the different fossils in the marble.

I just love this mini waterfall near to the kitchen garden.

Guinea pig cuddles are always a favourite on our visits.

It was a mixed day weather-wise, but the rain really came down on the way home and we were delighted by countless vivid rainbow, often double ones all the way home.

Thank you Chatsworth, once again, for a simply wonderful day.

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