Tuesday 15 April 2014

Eggtastic Chatsworth

We headed off for another Chatsworth hit last week.  Everyone else was busy, so just me and the kids this time.  It is wonderful to share this pleasure, but the kids sometimes like to make all the choices, and that is what they get to do when it's just us.  There was an Easter trail in the gardens and house.  The playground and farm were super busy as some schools had already broken up for the holidays.  we had a short stay in the playground at the beginning of the day, thought we would have a quick Guinea cuddle and then head to the gardens, but after seeing the 50 people waiting to cuddle the little piggies we quickly decided that cuddling our own would have to do for today!!

First paddle of the year

Funny feet

Autumn's first daisy chain.

Evan's display

A tradition for us is Autumn dancing to the people playing the Steinway in the Library.

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