Friday 16 May 2014


Play is such an important part of kids lives.  I am so glad we have the opportunity to let our kids to spend so much of their time doing so.  It occurred to me, that even though it is the thing Evan and Autumn spend most of their time doing, I don't document or really mention it on this blog. I think the reason is simple, I'm not involved.  I am purposefully not involved in their play.  They don't want me involved, and don't need me.  My role is that of facilitator.  I provide them with opportunities, mainly, rather than specific ideas or stimuli.

Our outdoor space grows by the day as the children spread into the woods behind our house, beyond the badger set. Our garden could easily be described as a complete mess, or unkempt or even a tip.  I beg to differ.  It is an open ended environment in which children can learn, explore, play, cooperate, create, destroy, test, imagine and just be.  I find it easier to let this space be and give it over to them as I don't have to be in it the whole time, and there is much more space.

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