Tuesday, 14 October 2014

My other life

A large part of who I am is missing from this blog.  That is my job as a Zumba instructor.  It has become a key part of who I am and how I live my life, so I feel compelled to write something about it here.  Yesterday was a good exemplar of it's impact.  I had some admin to do, emails, changing website etc, and got on with it in the morning whilst the kids happily played. I have always seen my work as implicit to our lives, and the kids just see it as part of life.  Yesterday was unusual, as I rarely spend a morning doing admin work, most of my Zumba work involves dancing or listening to music, or both.  The kids see me loving my work, and letting it just be a part of my life, and not really stopping me do other things, or being with them (well not too much anyway).  Having a working life outside of the kids is by no means essential to who I am, but it certainly has become a part of my life I would hate to give up.  I am in the lucky position that my job works in such a way that I can pick and choose how much, when and where I work, meaning that I can work it so my husband is (nearly) always home when I go out to work.  I do have to take advantage of some wonderful friends when that doesn't quite work as as expected though.

I found Zumba when my daughter was about 1 and we had a short term gym membership.  After a few sessions, I completely fell in love with the buzz and sense of joy it gave me every single moment of every single class.  Having danced (a bit) as a child, having taught a variety of things, and having run successful businesses,  I saw it as a perfect fit to become a zumba instructor myself.  I spent a few months building up my confidence and plucking up the courage to book myself in to the training course, but I did, and just over 1 month after the course, less than a year after taking my first class, I was in front of over 30 people running my own class.

Monday, 13 October 2014

The many many tales of Noo Noo and Poo Poo. dedicated to Uncle Drew

The Tale of Noo Noo and Poo Poo.  
By Autumn Elodie Roche

Poo Poo and Noo Noo went to poop and then they pooped on everything. And then guess what happened? They pooped on every other gap. And Noo Noo said, "let's poop on us". And then guess what happened? They pooped on where they poop. And then guess what happened? They Noo Nooped. Then they pooped on the Noo Noop. And then, guess what happened, they pooped on themselves. Again. 

Poo Wah Wah
By Autumn Elodie Roche

Noo Noo sucks up Poo Poo, and he pooed out a new Poo Poo. And then guess what happened. They pooped on every other gap, and pooped everywhere. And then, guess what happened. They pooped on themselves. And then, guess what happened. They pooped on the mirror. And then, guess what happened. They pooped on all the other mirrors. The End

Noo Noo and Poo Poo and the light switch.
By Autumn Elodie Roche

Noo Noo and Poo Poo went and they pooed on the light switch.  And then, guess what happened?  They pooed on every single light.  And then, guess what happened? They pooed on the turned off lights. And then they pooed on the floor. And that's what Poo Poo did, and Noo Noo sucked it all off. Then they pooed on the ceiling.  And then they pooed in the bath and turned the other Noo Noo's on.  And cleared up all the poos. And then, guess what happened? They pooed on themselves.  Poo Poo pooped on Noo Noo, and Noo Noo pooped on Poo Poo.  And then, guess what happened? The End.

Noo Noo and Poo Poo and the Poo Poo Pants Wah Wah
By Autumn Elodie Roche

Poo Poo Pants Wah Wah, he "wah's" every second Noo Noo and Poo Poo say something. Guess what Poo Poo Pants Wah Wah did. He wah'ed every second they made a noise with their footsteps, so Noo Noo makes a "schlurr" sound and Poo Poo makes a "plonk, plonk, plonk" sound.  And Poo Poo Pants Wah Wah, he "wah's" every time he walks. And then, guess what happened? The End.

Poo Poo, Noo Noo, Poo Poo Pants Wah Wah and baby Coo Coo
By Autumn Elodie Roche

Coo Coo, he pooed on everywhere where Poo Poo Pants Wah Wah, didn't "wah".  Then guess what happened.  Then they pooed on the light switch, then they pooed on the floor.  Then big Noo Noo cleaned it all up. Then, The End WAH WAH (Because Poo Poo Pants Wah Wah didn't want it to end, but it did) 

Poo Poo Pants Wah Wah, Poo Poo, Noo Noo, Coo Coo, and Moo Moo
By Autumn Elodie Roche

Moo Moo, mooed.  And then guess what happened. He mooed in every other gap.  And then Coo Coo wee'd all over the place.  And wee'd on Moo Moo's moo's.  And then guess what happened.  Poo Poo pooed wherever Coo Coo wee'd. And then guess what happened.  They pooped and pooped and pooped.  Poo Poo Pants Wah Wah pooed wherever everyone did they thing.  Noo Noo did the same thing as Poo Poo Pants Wah Wah did.  Wah Wah, The End Wah spoon Wah, The End  Poo Poo Pants Wah Wah said "wait a second, I didn't want it to end."  The End

Noo Noo, Poo Poo, Wet Wet, Coo Coo (when he was bigger) Moo Moo,  Poo Poo Pants Wah Wah and the light switch that they pooed on
By Autumn Elodie Roche

Noo Noo, Poo Poo, Wet Wet, Coo Coo (when he was bigger) Moo Moo,  Poo Poo Pants Wah Wah all pooed on trees.  Then Poo Poo had an idea, to poo on every other tree and everywhere else. It began to get too slippy for them.  All the different Noo Noo's sucked it all up together, working as a team.  "Please, never end this story" said Poo Poo Pants Wah Wah. The end  Whoops sorry.  And Bloo Bloo was in the last story.

The one where we meet Blue Blue
By Autumn Elodie Roche

Blue Blue was just coming to all the others, and everyone else had to get everything ready to welcome him.  They had to get the party food ready, because it was Blue Blue's birthday, and they got blue cake, and everything was blue.  The Blue Blue blar blar had some very blue words in it, and it had a video too.  And then, guess what happened.  He was just coming, and when he just saw all that blueness he went "Hooray!!!!"  and they danced and did everything they wanted and Blue Blue said "Please can it never end."  but it did.  They end.

When they all needed a giant Poo that filled up the whole house
By Autumn Elodie Roche

Everyone started to do a giant poo that filled the whole house up.  "Please can it never end." But the end.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

So how do you teach them? I couldn't do it.

The simple answer is.  I don't.  We are all born with an innate capacity for learning, and are eager to do so all the time.  From the moment a baby explores it's own body in the womb, and realises that when they stretch or move, they often get a response, and they keep doing it.  They learn as babies, to imitate facial expressions, in those very early days - this is the beginnings of talking, and understanding emotions, developing relationships etc.  It just keeps on going.  I know that there are plenty of items for sale these days which claim to teach babies and toddlers things.  I'll let you into a secret.  They are lying.  These objects, however all-singing and all-dancing they are, will not "teach" your baby anything.  A definition of TEACH is "impart knowledge to or instruct (someone) as to how to do something".  

Do we need to "teach" a baby how to do the things they need to learn, or will they naturally learn the things they need in order to survive.  They learn to cry as tiny babies to communicate their needs, and human infants are pretty helpless in comparison to most of our mammalian cousins.  Did anyone have to teach that baby to cry in order to produce these results?  Not that I know of, and I certainly didn't teach it to my babies.

Okay, okay, I hear you say, I get all that about the baby and perhaps I see how that works for how a baby learns to crawl, and a toddler learns to walk.  But letting them follow their innate survival needs is not going to help them learn how to read, complete a quadratic equation, or analyse and dissect a piece of poetry or a history text.  I agree, that these other things, are not essential for our survival, in the way that communication and movement is, but I don't think that our amazing minds stop there.  I believe that we learn what we want according to what we see relevant and if there is a real need to learn that thing.  In addition, I believe that that learning is at it's best when it happens at a time, and place when we are most attuned to that thing.  At this time, we are able to take on a large body of knowledge, skills and understanding as motivation is high, and the need for props and special things to entice us to learn the thing are less necessary.  The need for excessive repetition becomes obsolete as we are much more able to retain things and use the information appropriately  is far greater with this internal motivation to succeed at our task.

So going back to the question,  "how do you teach them?" , I said "I don't".  And when asked this question, which I am asked every time I mention that I home educate my kids, I usually say, I don't teach them stuff.  I see myself as a facilitator of their learning.  Attempting to support them on their learning journey by providing an environment they like that gives them opportunities to learn in some of the ways they like, with time to spend just being themselves, being with friends.  I see every moment of every day as a learning opportunity.  We are really learning all the time.  Here are a few examples of what I mean by this.

Right now, as I speak the children are upstairs playing.  I don't know exactly what they are doing, but from what I can hear it involves the following things: Story stones (using characters from the film Frozen), Lego, penguins, and occasionally dialogue and storylines from the television program Strictly come dancing and the computer game Minecraft.  So apart from the things that I couldn't tell unless I did a full observation of them, here  are just a few of the things I know they are developing and learning (in my opinion)
Learning cooperation and leadership skills ~ they take turns in the dialogue, build joint things and collaborate in large projects, not just physical, but as a story / game.
Practising complex vocabulary from stories, experimenting with putting them into context.
Enjoying life
Relating to a peer
Understanding shape and space
Developing creatively through stories and making lego structures.
Developing a deeper understanding of new information - particularly evident through the introduction of penguins into recent play, which has responded to our penguin project.

Other days we might have a discussion whilst travelling asking about anything from architecture, to baby making, or days of the week to the ethics of large businesses.  I love it when we have these conversations, and I will be as helpful as they need me to be at the time, sometimes they are avidly interested and ask endless questions, and other times the moment passes without much conversation.  This is a common feature in family life.  We are super lucky that, as we have more time as a family together, these conversations and opportunities can be really capitalised upon.

I am relaxed about the learning process, as I know that my children are eager to learn, and when they recognise something as useful or important to them, they do all they can to gain the information they want.

We are often made to believe that our children aren't learning unless what they are learning can be ticked off on a curriculum checklist, but I would argue, that if the only learning that goes on can be ticked off on a curriculum checklist we are missing out.

I am not averse to providing a bit of structure to the children's learning from time to time, if they are receptive.  They usually, however, gain this more structured way of learning from educational websites which offer a motivating way of learning more structured stuff.  I don't know what my kids will be when they grow up, I don't know what they will have learned by the time they reach school-leaving age.  However, I find that exciting rather than scary.

Things I found really helpful when developing my ideas about learning include:

The work of Jerome Bruner - an educationalist who talks of intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation, among other things.