Wednesday 4 September 2013

Chatsworth day

My mum came to visit and we took a trip to Chatsworth House. We decided to bite the bullet and buy a year pass.  It has 1 named and 1 unnamed adult on it along with 3 kids, so it is quite feasible to go along with friends, and with Pat as well.
We started in the gardens, and came across some really beautiful things, including a half dollar. 
Never seen such a fantastic use of willow withies - I loved this - it added something so extra special to an already wonderful spot.  Lots of windows to peak through, nooks and crannies - on return visits I can see this being a really good spot to hang out in for a while.
This was their favourite plant in the greenhouse, they loved the feel, it was really velvety.
I loved this bud, it looked like a fruit, but here it is in 3 stages of opening, reminds me of the footprint of a starfruit.

The Cascades.  We loved our paddle-y time in the here.  Being a stickler for following rules I made sure that it wasn't disallowed, and was pleased to find that whilst it wasn't made for the purpose of paddling (though one wonders why not!!!) one should exercise caution, but there was no mention of Not paddling, so we got stuck in.
Bottomley Pots was here on a day out - we also saw Shnitzel Von Krum, and a mini Muffin McLay.  I'm sure they had great adventures - Bottomley certainly enjoyed paddling too.
Probably because of the neighbouring Cascade there was loads of dew, and so much so it was possible to make footprints in it.
A spot of duck herding!!!
The Rock garden was so beautiful, and we had our lunch here.  There was loads near here we didn't get round to exploring either as Autumn needed the toilet, then we went off to the farm and playground.
This is certainly a fountain and a half.  Evan and I found the motor which got it working - well, the cover for it anyway - it seemed pretty loud.  I would hazard a guess that it was as powerful as a firefighters hose.  when we ran across the bank we all got pretty wet!  In the left of the photo is a sculpture, one of about 20 which are up for a Sotheby's exhibition in the coming months.  They were all huge and pretty impressive, we didn't see them all, but are looking forward to exploring more on other days with friends.
This was called something like "sitting on history", well a bit more poet than that, but you get the idea.
A treat the kids got to hold Gineau pigs - Patch and Tina in the animal farm.  Autumn found hers very wiggly and tickly, and hers, Tina, kept creeping over onto Evan's lap.
Down the slide - not the one she really wanted to go on - that was much bigger, but it was a bit tuby which satisfied her a little.  I was scared stiff when I had to help her go to the right spot and found myself on the wibbly climbing frame and sliding down that slide.  I had to do that thing where you pretend to be okay even when you are super scared by things, bit stressful.

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