Friday 13 September 2013

Making scones

We have made a recipe book before using photos, a couple of years ago now, for our lovely fairy cakes... this time however Evan requested that we do one for the scones we were about to make for our pudding.  So here we are:

225g Self raising flour
40g butter / margarine
Put the butter in with the flour and crumble or lightly rub in order to combine the ingredients producing a breadcrumb-like finish.
This is what it looks like when it is mostly done.
1 heaped tablespoon of Caster Sugar
A pinch of salt
Measure out 150ml of milk
Add in any additional ingredients - we've used Elderberries we had in the freezer from the tree in the bottom of our garden.
Next add a small amount of the milk
Mix in with a knife, and continue adding milk until it is fully combined and looks dough-like.  Don't add all the milk if this state happens before you have some left.
Flour a surface and sprinkle flour onto the dough, your hands and rolling pin.  Roll out dough to about 3/4 inch thick.
Cut scone shapes out and place on a baking tray.  Try and make the most of all the space by having the circles sit close to each other on the dough.  When there is no more room, squeeze together and re-roll, repeat the process until all the dough is used up.

Put in oven at 220 C for between 15-20 minutes (but keep checking)
Take out and eat - they are yummy :)

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