Sunday 29 September 2013

Sunday nugget 29th September 2013

I have just read a lovely  blog (will link later)  which has a weekly snippets of their lives,  to give an overview away from the special outings and other stuff like that.   I realise that my blog is missing something without that,  do very inspired, I'm doing a Sunday nugget.

Me: enjoying the harvest part of autumn in all its abundance.  Apples,  elderberries,  blackberries galore.
Settling into our new home ed week,  fine tuning activities.
Abundance at Zumba,  and new project in the making of dance style workshops,  dusting off my lesson plans. Glad strictly is back on.

Evan : stepped away from constantly making things...  Having a chill out a bit at home.  Enjoying outings,  and the outdoors in general. Calmed down on the destruction of recent past,  with extra supervision when with friends. Helping me to plan and organise autumn's birthday party,  and presents.  Loving origami,  able to follow pictorial instructions.

Autumn : constant motion.  New dance class.  Enjoying strictly.  Joyful,  enthusiastic.  Reading well on reading eggs. Doesn't like pippi longstocking. :( mostly played Tweak 'burny'  and Cotton tail.

1 comment:

  1. Beth, a hive of activitiy as per usual, lovely xx. I think the Sunday Nugget is a great idea.xx
