Tuesday 5 November 2013

Late Sunday nugget for 3rd November

I twisted my ankle whilst flyering for Zumba...  Not the most helpful of events!  Fortunately I had a few days to recover before my next Zumba session. I am working on experiencing even more gratitude in life and listening to what I am experiencing.

Kids enjoyed a spooky Halloween party at Jasmin's house.

Pat off for half term.  Focus on extension,  budget and the future.

Autumn suffering from a cold,  throwing her balance out,  and needing extra cuddles.

Evan struggling with levels of appropriate reactions to experiences.  Working with him by asking him to review and rethink a more measured response.  This approach is helping me keep things in perspective.

We also did Halloweeny stuff.

Really important work being done here.

Interpretive dance to Sound map at the Millenium Galleries

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