Sunday 10 November 2013

Sunday nugget 10th November

Me: non-stop activities,  tidying,  cooking,  ferrying,  reading and bedtime doing.  Most notably finished a 500 page novel,  after just 10 days of reading.  Got to be a record for me.  It was House rules,  Jodi  Picoult.  Now I have begun, stuck between a rock and a hard place.  'gripping'!!! Began job application for alumni volunteer manager at university,  but realised it was full time,  so a no-go.

Pat: illness continues,  stress and headaches prevail.  New job application hopefully. More focus on saving money or making more.

Evan : stunning us with his drawing and writing.  Fairly calm.  Fewer incidents of a screaming nature. Massive den building. 

Autumn : enjoying,  through cover eyes,  the Spiderwick chronicles.  Achieved bridge unaided in Gymnastics with straight arms.

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