Sunday 24 November 2013

Sunday nugget 24th November

Me: still suffering from a bit of ankle pain; more Zumba cover classes; new Zumba class on Fridays at university; Christmas presents bought; sent out email about science and maths clubs; still reading 127 hours  -  lots of references to law of attraction.

Evan: playing jenga (invited me to play ; lots of cuddles ; den / burrow / ranch building ; pat off,  so playing the silly quite a lot ; excited about Christmas,  been making presents for autumn and thinking about decorating his bed.

Autumn : very particular ; bat costume required for museum outing ; chatter about tree fu Tom - a lot! ; request of Tft belt for Christmas.

Pat: illness continues,  time off work as suggested by deputy head; light at the end of the tunnel  in Tibshelf job,  application done. 

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