Sunday 17 November 2013

Sunday nugget 17th November

Rivers,  cloud gazing,  speed calculating,  gymnastics and dancing.

Me: reading 127 hours,  loving the journey into the mind of an adventurer.  Loving cuddles from Evan.
Autumn : very particular about clothing.  Enjoying making burrows at home with Evan.  Learning boogie woogie buggy poem.

Evan : also learning the poem.  Intrigued by relative speeds. Enjoying making wooden block structures and dens. Felting Peso.

Pat: continues to struggle with health.  Job hunting,  and visiting new schools.

Our lovely trip out to Longshaw on Monday involved a bit of Island hopping :)

Evan asked me to help him felt a toy Peso, which I did, he did a lot of the work, and it involved a lot of concentrated work doing needle felting. (Quite dangerous, and not for the feint hearted) Evan did a really good job, and was super pleased with the results.

Evan on his tower

Autumn on the very well constructed tower.

Autumn strength building for her tiptoe walks across the beam in Gymnastics

Doing a 30 metre time trial to explore relative speeds, following on from work on Velocity of the river.   We took averages of 3 times.  Results were: Evan Cycling = 13 times faster than the river
Evan Scooting = 12 x faster...
Evan Running = 10 x faster...
Evan Skipping = 9 x faster...
Autumn Running = 8 x faster
Autumn Skipping = 7 x faster
Evan Walking = 6 x faster
Evan Hopping & Autumn (silly) walking) = 4 x faster

This was Autumn walking up from the river after helping Evan with the dam building.

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